Zone: Colina
Sector: Lampa 1
Children under the age of 8 are considered clean and perfect. Even before Christ?
Children are considered worthy, clean, pure, cleansed by the power of the Atonement. But Christ hadn`t suffered yet. He wouldn`t suffer yet for the next 2 or 3,000 years. How could the children be considered clean when he hadn`t payed the price yet? The Atonement works in Advance.
The commandment is that we become as, not like, but as a little child. How is it that we become as a little child? -There`s a whole list in Mosiah...submissive, humble, meek - and well that`s all and good but does that make you as a little child or like a little child? -LIKE. But the commandment is to become as a little child which means what? -Covered by the Atonement of Jesus Christ. A little child is a child under the age of 8. We are not talking about a 12 year old or a 14 year old child -we are talking about a child who is 8 years old or less, covered by the Atonement. How do we become as that little child that little child who is covered by the Atonement? The child doesn`t have to repent -but we do, right? So we have to do something a little different than a child -we actually have to demonstrate faith in Jesus Christ, repent, be baptized -because we`re more than8 years old. If we haven`t been baptized yet and we`re than 8 years old then we need to be baptized right? We need to keep the commandments and as we go along we need to repent for the thing we do thats wrong. If its serious we have to talk to somebody about it but if its now we just repent and talk to the Lord about it, and we keep going.
So we have to do something a little more than a child. In order to become as a little child, clean holy, without spot, perfect -is a little child considered perfect? Yes. Are they perfect? No. Of course not. Do they sin? Yes. When we baptize children at the age of 8 for the remission of their sins -article of faith #4 says that we baptized for the remission of sins at the age of 8. So what does mormon mean when he says children can`t sin? -He explains in his letter to Moroni. He says what it means is they can`t be held acountable for their sins, and they can`t repent, and it`s solemn mockery before God to think that a child needs to repent. Why is it mockery? We`re trying to tell a child who`s already covered to repent in order to earn forgivness? Well he`s already been forgiven. Whenever we try to do something thats already been done for us by God Himself..thats mockery. There are other kinds of mockery as well -how people mock eachother, yeah that`s mockery, but when we teach that children need to be baptized- that`s mockery of a different kind. If the Atonement covers a child before the age of 8 and we still say the child has to repent in order to be forgiven - that makes a mockery of the fact that it was already agreed in the pre-existence that they are covered. Let`s not make a mockery of it. Let`s accept it.
The child is protected, protected, protected - 6 years old, 7 years old still protected. 8 years old- he hasn`t been baptized yet because he doesn`t get baptized until the first Saturday of next month right? But is he still protected? What if he doesn`t get baptized until he`s 8 and 3 months old -is he still protected until he`s baptized? Sure! But if he`s 8 years and 11 3/4 months is he still protected? Sure. What if he`s 9 years old? -oops now he`s what? A 9 year old by definition is something different than an 8 year old. What is a 9 year old? He is not a child of record. On his 9th birthday he is no longer a child of record. If he`s 9 years old and has not been baptized in our church, then he is a convert baptism. And there is a BIG difference. According to the Lord and the Profets, if you`re 8 point something your covered. The Bishop has authority as a child of record, as long as the baptism is performed before his 9th birthdate. But you cannot baptized that child on his 9th birthdate, you have to baptize him on any day before his 9th birthday, if your are going to baptized him as a child of record. If a child is 9.0 he has to show fruits meet for repentance -because he has the capacity now at the age of 9, to demonstrate -he needs to demonstrate because thats the definition -he needs to demonstrate now that he has repented. That is a little different than an 8 year old who doesn`t need to demonstrate that. If we require an 8 year old to repent... its making a mockery. It is mockery, solemn mockery before God to require an 8 year old child to do something for which he is already covered by the Atonement.